Wednesday 31 January 2007

I've been tagged

I was tagged by Gina and

Anyway, here are 6 wierd things about me:

1. I have hundreds of pairs of shoes but only wear a few of them
2. I start hobbies all the time and get sick of them really quickly, usually after spending lots of money (with a major exception - photography - that obsession has lasted over 20 years)
3. I'd be fine if I was shipwrecked on a tropical island because I could live on seafood and tropical fruit and be perfectly happy - as long as I was washed ashore with a crate of chocolate!
4. I love raw carrots but HATE them cooked - they make me gag
5. I have my intellectual, non-fiction and the classics at the front of my bookcase and the trashy romance novels hidden at the back
6. I'm usually really neat & tidy but sometimes my bedroom can look tike a tornedo has passed through

I tag: Allison, Melissa, Nicki, Monica, Barb, Renee

Apologies if any of you have already been tagged, it's hard to keep up.

And I also want to share one more from the zoo today - couldn't help myself, I really couldn't choose just one. He's ugly but I think he's also quite cute.

Day 31

A day at the zoo. Ricci and I spent many hours trudging around the zoo today. I ended up with sore feet and we both ended up with too many photos. It was a hard choice to narrow it down to just one. Ricci has a storyboard to show you and I managed to decide on one.

My settings: 1/500 @f/2.8, ISo 1600 - Indoors with artificial light - Canon 30D, 24-70L @ 70mm

Tuesday 30 January 2007

Day 30 - Circles

I just realised I hadn't done the weekly challenge "Circles". So here's a lovely old lamp at a friend's place (cheated slightly 'cause I took it last night but processed it today). I also haven't done any B&W (except Holga) so far.

So here's my B&W circles (although they are more balls than circles, but never mind).
1/320 @ f/2.8, manual, ISO 800, Canon EOS 30D, 24-70L @ 70mm

Monday 29 January 2007

Day 29

Another one that is rather abstract. I really need to broaden my horizons and start taking different types of photos. I'm pretty stuck on close-ups and Holga for this challenge. Of course there's the client sessions but I'm trying to avoid resorting to using these.

I'm really excited because tomorrow my 12 y.o. niece arrives from interstate to spend a week with me. We have lots of plans - zoo, aquarium, ferry rides to the beach, shopping (pet shop), shopping (bead shop)....LOL. Her name is Ricci and as she is a keen photographer she will probably get a kick out of posting a POTD as well. I'd really appreciate it if you could send some comments her way. And you'll really make her day!!!!

Sunday 28 January 2007

Day 28

So who is still playing? Nearly the end of month 1. Haven't missed a day yet. I'm so proud of myself. I usually have trouble sticking to things like this.

Anyway, if you're still with me it's been lots of fun. Thanks to everyone who has kindly commented.

Today's was taken early this morning. I woke up way before I needed to and was just going to go back to sleep when I saw this sunrise out ofmy bedroom window. Just had to jump up and grab the camera. Not the best composition, but I love the colours.

Saturday 27 January 2007

Day 27

It's amazing what you find in your street when you really start to look. This challenge has certainly made me look out for photo opportunities. I see them everywhere now - usually when I don't have my camera.

1/500 @ f/2.8, manual, ISO 200, Canon EOS 30D, 24-70L @ 70mm

Friday 26 January 2007

Day 26 - Australia Day

Happy Australia Day LOL

Nothing artistic, creative, technically correct or even remotely good photography. Just a bunch of snaps of Australia Day on the most beautiful harbour in the most beautiful city in the most beautiful country....

If you look closely (pointing arrow is a dead giveaway) you'll see that I didn't even take some of these. Yes that's me hiding behind the Australian flag with a glass of wine!

Thursday 25 January 2007

Day 25

This was the best of the film from the Holga yesterday - check out the grain in the sky!!

I'm still struggling with major light leaks and most of the film is no good. I'm Googling lots and found some forums and websites with some hints that I'll try.

Anyway it's lots of fun and I'm getting at least a few that are OK from each film, so I'll just keep experimenting...

Wednesday 24 January 2007

Day 24

Well back to the drawing board with the jewellery photography. I'll try the suggestions I was given yesterday and (maybe) post another attempt at some time.

Meanwhile I'll get back to something I enjoy and I'm better at!!!

ETA: more Holga's to come tomorrow. Taken today and sent to the lab for processing.

Tuesday 23 January 2007

Day 23

Well today's post is a combination Photo of The Day, ILP Daily Challenge "Indulge" and preparation for a new offer for my clients (who I hopw will indulge themselves by buying jewellery).

I'm NOT GOOD at product shots and I'd like your cc on this one. Do you think it works on a black b'ground? Should I try white? Is the lighting OK - I used natural window light from the side?

Honest opinions would be much appreciated.

Monday 22 January 2007

Day 22

I thought I'd give the ILP Daily challenge a go as well as the 365. They seem to go well together. The challenge for 1/21/07 (it's 1/22 here) is "Double".

ETA: I was asked about the other ILP challenge. It is being organised by Angie and can be found in JSO Lessons and Assignments.

1/800 @ f/2.8 - manual - iso 100 - natural light - Canon 30D with 24-70L lens (focal lenth @ 70mm)

Sunday 21 January 2007

Day 21

It was hot, hot, hot today. Luckily for me I have friends who live with this at their front door. We went to lunch in the boat and then came back and swam for most of the afternoon. It's a tough life, but someone has to do it.....

1/160 @ f/8 - manual - iso 100 - natural light - Canon 30D with 24-70L lens (focal lenth @ 70mm)

Saturday 20 January 2007

Day 20

YUM breakfast....

And yes, I guess I'm being a bit mean rubbing it in that we're having summer while most of you are shivering. Sorry...

You can have your revenge when you're having summer and I'm not.

I've been really bad a posting my settings, so I'm going to try to remember from now on: 1/160 @ f/2.8 - manual - iso 160 - natural window light - Canon 30D with 24-70L lens (focal lenth @ 46mm)

Friday 19 January 2007

Day 19

My city through a plastic lens! This is Sydney...

I really like the look of 35mm in the Holga. The image is longer and goes across the sprocket holes. Still getting lots of light leaks, even with the camera taped up like a mummy. But I guess that's what it's about with the Holga - you never know what you're going to get.

Thursday 18 January 2007

Day 18

I was out with the Holga again today. This time adapted to take 35mm film - done with duct tape, foam and rubberbands, he he. Well that is at the lab being processed - funny how quickly you get used to the immediacy of digital!

So I don't have any of today's pics to post until I get to the lab tomorrow. I'm going to post another that I took yesterday.

Holga tomorrow. Can't wait to see how they went this time.

Wednesday 17 January 2007

Day 17

Two for today.

The first one is just a bit of dead plant stuck in a fence! I have no idea why this one appeals to me, it just does.

The secod one because I thought you might be missing the "ewwwwwwww" creepy crawlie Aussie critters. Hadn't had any visitors for a few days. This one was on my front door.

Tuesday 16 January 2007

Day 16

I love summer in Sydney and nothing says summer like frangapai flowers. This is the tree in my front garden.

I also want to take the time to thank each and every one of you who has commented on my daily photos. I am having so much fun with this challenge and it's nice to know you're all out there taking an interest.

Monday 15 January 2007

Day 15

And now for something totally different. I'm using this daily challenge to push myself to try new and different things. So...I bought a Holga camera about 3 months ago but I hadn't even taken it out of the box til today.

Ahhhh, horrible light leaks. I taped it up as instructed "tape is your friend" but obviously not enough.

Anyway, I'm going to show you just one of them. One version in color and one converted in PS to B&W.

Kinda funky I guess....

p.s. If anyone doesn't know about the Holga, here is some info:

Sunday 14 January 2007

Day 14

Well as I said yesterday, today's personal challenge was to get out the wide angle and so I did. I wandered down to the fun park down the road and "played" with different lenses and different angles. I really loved the color in this one and decided to enhance it with an Urban Acid action. This reminds me of doing cross-processing back in the good old days of slide film.

Saturday 13 January 2007

Day 13

Can you believe it; more creepy crawlies in my house? I couldn't resist posting this as I know you all love my critter shots... he he he. I think the most common response so far has been ewwwwww!!!
This one was on a body oil bottle in my bathroom.
Now I'm going to add to my personal challenge. Tomorrow I need to push myself because I've really only done close ups so far. Time to break out the wide angle and get a different perspective on things.

Friday 12 January 2007

Day 12

Well, today's post is a little abstract. Can you tell what it is?
ETA: Well a few of you were right. This is part of a cool fence near my home. I've walked past it for a couple of years now thinking I must get around to photographing that before they decide to pull it down and replace it with a new one. Well this challenge made me get up off my butt and do it. I'm so glad i did, cause I love this photo. I'll certainly be back to that fence again before this challenge is over.

Thursday 11 January 2007

Day 11

It was so nice to be out and about (or should I say "about & out") today. The leg is much better and I need to start walking on it now. So I was up early this morning with the camera and just wandered the streets photographing anything and everything. This one appealed the most.

Wednesday 10 January 2007

Day 10

Well no critters in the bedroom today!

This is James again (my adorable Godson) who has discovered his bellybutton. He's 15 months and a contented, happy and extrememly clever child - no I'm not at all biased.

Tuesday 9 January 2007

Day 9

Not sure what the attraction is but I had another critter visitor today. The fella was on my bedroom wall. I guess he was looking for his pal the lizard.

I did get out and about today and take some pics - yay the leg is starting to heal nicely - but I couldn't resist the theme of nature in my bedroom.

Takenwith flash, hence the harsh shadows.

Monday 8 January 2007

Day 8

Firstly thanks to all that posted me good wishes on my leg. I'm happy to say I'm hobbling much better today.

Anyway to today's post: Meet Sushi. His/her (?) fishy friend went belly-up last week and he/she is looking a little lost and confused. I swear this fish knows what's going on, truly.

I really do need to get out tomorrow. You can probably tell I'm going slowly out of my mind being stuck inside.

Sunday 7 January 2007

Day 7

Well I'm still not out - but the outside came to visit me today. I was just wondering what I could photography today when I looked down to see this fella on my bedroom floor.

Saturday 6 January 2007

Day 6

Well despite calling my blog About & Out, that's exactly what I haven't been. Still hobbling around and spending my time with my leg elevated. Here's a lovely Christmas present from a dear friend. She's a Healing Angel. I wonder if my friend knew I would need her?

Friday 5 January 2007

Day 5

Well after all my good intentions I find myself flat on my back in bed with my leg elevated and packed in ice. I've torn a calf muscle. Ouch!!!! So I'm cheating today and posting a pic of my Godson James that I took before Christmas.

Thursday 4 January 2007

Day 4

Here he is. My parents' beloved Sam.

Wednesday 3 January 2007

Day 3

Well as I seem to have a nature theme going here, let's continue with a flower from Mum's garden. Didn't have my macro lens but the 28-70 did a pretty good job I think.

Tuesday 2 January 2007

Day 2

Day 2 and it's back to the park again! Well a dog needs to be walked and what better excuse is there to take the camera and disappear for an hour or two.

Monday 1 January 2007

Day 1

Well here we go! Day one of my Photo A Day personal challenge. In the spirit of being "about & out" this was taken in the park while walking Mum & Dad's dog: Sam.