Wednesday 31 January 2007

I've been tagged

I was tagged by Gina and

Anyway, here are 6 wierd things about me:

1. I have hundreds of pairs of shoes but only wear a few of them
2. I start hobbies all the time and get sick of them really quickly, usually after spending lots of money (with a major exception - photography - that obsession has lasted over 20 years)
3. I'd be fine if I was shipwrecked on a tropical island because I could live on seafood and tropical fruit and be perfectly happy - as long as I was washed ashore with a crate of chocolate!
4. I love raw carrots but HATE them cooked - they make me gag
5. I have my intellectual, non-fiction and the classics at the front of my bookcase and the trashy romance novels hidden at the back
6. I'm usually really neat & tidy but sometimes my bedroom can look tike a tornedo has passed through

I tag: Allison, Melissa, Nicki, Monica, Barb, Renee

Apologies if any of you have already been tagged, it's hard to keep up.

And I also want to share one more from the zoo today - couldn't help myself, I really couldn't choose just one. He's ugly but I think he's also quite cute.


  1. What a cool shot of the lizard (?)! I looks 3D :)

    BTW, I am the same way about hobbies :) but I think photography is here to stay!

  2. WOW, cool picture! LOL about the box of chocolate!!

  3. I love chameleons! Awesome shot.

  4. Love the lizard!!

  5. OMG your #1-#5 are TOTALLY me too! :) lol But #6 no- I'm messy by nature :)

    COOL photo :)

  6. ROFL at your romance novels!!FUNNY
