Tuesday 6 February 2007

Day 37

I've been feeling like my photography is getting better over the last 12 months. Partly through client sessions and partly, more recently, through challenging myself daily with POTD.

But I still find myself either avoiding some photographic situations or doing them and being disappointed with the results. One of these is backlighting. I SUCK AT THIS. So I'm challenging myself to do a FULL WEEK of backlit subjects - yikes!!!! - starting tomorrow. My rules: 1. No fill flash; 2. No reflector; 3. Manual settings.

If anyone else is struggling to find subjects for POTD, I challenge you to also try a week of what you're worst at....

Anyway here's today's POTD which covers the Week 2 challenge "Shoot something that you have never shot before". Here it is just in case anyone has missed it: 52 Challenges. Thanks Bree!

Do you know what it is???

ETA: Deidre was right. It is a reflection on the water. I was walking along the jetty to get a ferry home and the sun was shining through the boards. I thought the reflection on the water looked cool.

1/80 @ f/4, ISO 800, Canon EOS 30D, 24-70L lens @ 70mm


  1. OH, good luck on your challenge! I'll be checking back!

  2. I have absolutely NO idea what that is! I'll be checking back to find out though...

  3. It looks like a water reflection of some kind, but it's hard to say.
